Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Hunt County Commissioner

Precinct 4


Steven M. Harrison

The Texas Constitution specifies that the Commissioner's Court is the governing body of the County and is to carry out the administrative and judicial responsibilities for the state.

The main functions performed by the County Commissioner's Court are:                    
  • Sets the yearly property tax rate.
  • Adopts a county budget and approves the budget.
  • Sets employment and benefit policy.
  • Sets commissioners and justice of the peace precinct boundaries.
  • Calls, conducts and certifies elections, including bond elections.
  • Reviews and approves subdivision platting for rural areas.
  • Subsidizes rural fire protection.
  • Oversees the construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges.
  • Appoints non-elected department heads and standing committees.
  • Supervises and controls the county courthouse, county buildings and facilities.
  • Provide for veterans assistance.
  • Fills vacancies in elective and appointive positions.
  • Has exclusive authority to authorize contracts in the name of the county.


Hunt County Commissioners Court meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m., excluding holidays or other factors. The Court is located in the Auxiliary Courtroom, 2700 Johnson St., near downtown Greenville.

  • Hunt County Courthouse
    2507 Lee St.
    First Floor - Room 107
    Greenville, TX 75401

    Phone: (903)408-4195

    Monday - Friday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm


    Precinct 4 Maintenance Yard
    1005½ Bois D’ Arc St., Commerce, Tx 75428

    Phone: (903) 886-6321
    Fax: (903) 886-2063

    Foreman: Cory Erven

  • Name:
    Phone Number:
    Reason for Inquiry: