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Cities Readiness Initiative

Thank you for your interest in Hunt County’s CRI Plan. This Bioterrorism Response plan is being developed as part of our overall Emergency Management Plan, to enable citizens of Hunt County to have a structured system for providing medications to 80,000 plus people in a disaster incident involving deadly biological agents

Many government agencies are involved in the planning, implementation and response stages of a biological incident. Hunt County officials, community officials, school district leaders, county emergency management planners, and the Greenville/Hunt County Health Department are working very closely with the Texas Department of State Health Services, and the Governor’s Department of Emergency Management/Homeland Security.

Office Information
2700 Johnson Street  Greenville, TX 75401
Ph: (903) 408-4188
Fx: (903) 408-4205

    Monday - Friday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Name:required
    Phone Number:
    Reason for Inquiry:required
  • We have plans for the use, if needed, of up to seven Pod Sites strategically located throughout Hunt County. One or all of these can be activated on short notice and set up to process people through to receive medications specific to a biological incident.
  • All of the plans depend on volunteers to provide the many services necessary to operate the Pod Sites 16 to 24 hours a day (two shifts) for up to four days, then a phased down schedule for a few days longer. The duties involving medication and patient medical evaluations will be assigned to medically trained volunteers.

    Doctors, nurses, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, chiropractors, physicians assistants, nurse practitioners, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, lab technicians, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, etc.

    There are many other duties at the Pod Sites and off location, all of which are critical to the success of the clinic goals.

    Greeters, educators, team leaders, mental health support, counselors, supply managers, team coordinators, translators, filers, stockers, runners, amateur radio operators, bus drivers security officers, traffic controllers, custodians, maintenance, food/drink providers, etc.

    Volunteer Application

  • All of the duties are relatively easy and will require only a small amount of training time. General information and duties will be explained at regularly scheduled meetings.